What are the opportunities for Impact Investing in the field of justice? What does the Innovating Justice Fund launched by FOUNT and HiiL seek to achieve?
Each year, more than 1 billion people face a serious justice problem. Up to 55% of these problems remain unresolved or are resolved in a way that is felt as unfair. To address the gap in equal access to justice for all FOUNT and HiiL launched the Innovating Justice Fund. The Fund provides funding and technical assistance (TA) to early–stage start-ups that sustainably deliver innovative justice services in emerging markets. Read more in the press release of June 2022.
Join the webinar Impact Investing in Justice Startups on February 23rd at 15:00 PM CET to discuss why we need to drastically improve the allocation of capital in order to make justice available for all. The webinar will convene justice sector leaders and investors to discuss and share best practices and see how we could help each other close the justice gap.